Newsjacking Mastered: Taco Bueno Teams Up with Taco Charlton

Newsjacking Mastered: Taco Bueno Teams Up with Taco Charlton

Discover the art of newsjacking and how Taco Bueno and NFL defensive end Taco Charlton successfully leveraged trending news stories to boost their brand visibility. Learn effective strategies for newsjacking, including staying informed, acting quickly and providing value. Explore the benefits of newsjacking in earned media and how it can elevate your brand's authority and relevance. If you want to enhance your media relations or explore newsjacking, contact TrizCom PR for expert guidance. FAQs included.

Incorporating Charitable Components into PR Promotions

Incorporating Charitable Components into PR  Promotions

Learn how to incorporate charitable components into promotions with this informative blog. Discover effective strategies, examples, and best practices to create impactful campaigns that make a difference. Gain insights into the importance of giving back and engaging your audience through charitable initiatives.

#2 Changing Lives Together: Team Escalade Texas – Cause Marketing

#2 Changing Lives Together: Team Escalade Texas – Cause Marketing

Join TrizCom PR on a nostalgic journey as we celebrate 15 years of excellence and showcase our top 15 earned media clips, promotions, and campaigns that have shaped our agency's success. Experience the unforgettable moments and extraordinary milestones that have propelled us to become an industry powerhouse. Embrace teamwork and innovation as we kick off our countdown with the remarkable achievement of Team Escalade Texas. Discover the captivating projects that have captivated audiences, ignited change, and elevated brands.

Essential Metrics for Evaluating PR Campaign Success

Essential Metrics for Evaluating PR Campaign Success

Discover the essential PR measurement strategies for evaluating campaign success and impact. From analyzing website traffic and viral impact to conducting message recall surveys and sentiment analysis, learn how to effectively measure PR outcomes.

Maximizing Impact: The Power of Earned Content Amplification

Maximizing Impact: The Power of Earned Content Amplification

Learn how to get the most out of your earned media and amplify its reach through content repurposing. Discover the power of earned media in building credibility with our tips on content amplification.

11 Public Relations Tools Every Business Should Absolutely Use

11 Public Relations Tools Every Business Should Absolutely Use

Discover 11 essential public relations tools and software to help your business save time, optimize processes, gain insights into campaigns & analytics, identify trends in communication strategies, and collaborate with colleagues more.

Why PR Is Critical In Recessions - #5 Will Surprise You

Why PR Is Critical In Recessions - #5 Will Surprise You

Explore the hidden impacts of cutting public relations during an economic downturn and why it should be considered a critical part of your overall marketing strategy. Uncover five surprising revelations that may change your mind about slashing PR.

Nine Reasons Your Press Release Fails

Nine Reasons Your Press Release Fails

Discover the common reasons why press releases fail to generate desired results and how to avoid these pitfalls. Learn why it's crucial to focus on newsworthiness, target the right audience, craft attention-grabbing headlines and compelling first paragraphs, and ensure the lead of the story is prominent. Find out the importance of timing, follow-up without being excessive, and avoiding the mistake of sending press releases to everyone. With over 20 years of experience, TrizCom PR can help you effectively distribute your news and reach your target audience. Contact us today for professional digital PR services.

Public Relations Skills That Make Me A Better Parent

Public Relations Skills That Make Me A Better Parent

Working moms often feel guilty for not being there when their children need them, but working also gives you time to develop skills that make parenting easier. You learn what works best in your household by managing clients and employees; this helps teach values like responsibility or punctuality which help kids grow up into functioning adults. This blog looks at a few public relations skills that make you a better parent.

Public Relations Industry - The People You Know

Public Relations Industry - The People You Know

Joining a public relations organization is one of the best ways to get connected with other professionals in your field. There are many different types of organizations, so it’s important to do some research and find one that fits your needs. Check out this TrizCom PR blog on various ways networking helps you grow and the different organizations you might want to consider joining.